Leeteuk's enlistment
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There’s not one day where I haven’t thought about what super junior would be like without Leeteuk, the world's greatest kpop leader. I’m not ready, I’m not ready to let him go yet. I don’t want him to go, to leave me. He’ll be gone for 2 years. Super junior just won’t be the same anymore. I rather have him here with super junior, with elfs. I can’t believe I won’t be seeing him promote without the others for 2 years. I can’t believe he's going to be leaving in a few hours. I remember the day I found out about his enlistment date, I didn’t think the day would come so soon. Time sure does fly by fast, so I sure hope these two years will fly by just as fast. Because I can’t wait to see and have him back here with us again. He'll be back before we know it, I hope.
You'll never really find those perfect words, Something more than just, goodbye. It's hard to remember the good times when there was just so much heartache, And they deserve more than that. They deserve more than just one single moment of sadness. So just remember, When there's enough love in our hearts to burst like a fuckin' supernova, Then there's sure as hell enough love in our heart, to spark that famous smile. We all lose someone at some point in our lives, But don't ever let go of that smile. Hold on forever, Because that's our final dedication.